Saturday, February 16, 2008

* Add to Technorati Favorites A Salute To A Friend

How will you call someone when he/she thinks of something, impossible is not a word that hinders him/her to stop and reach for what he/she crave for. It is hard to find word which will describe this kind of person. Perhaps, I too is having difficulties on how to describe myself to others because I am also the same person I am describing.

I know a person which has the same traits as mine. He, I should say, used to be an ordinary person but full of dreams and creative imaginations. I know him since I was still in college and he was also in the same school I was at. He is simple, talks very soft and friendly which kept him gained more friends. He was then fond of computers as he took IT incline degree and he was already a geek even when on his first year of school.

Today, with the knowledge nurtured in him, he recently joined the Philippine SEOContest2008 and emerged as the Champion. He has been competing in some SEO contests in the country for the past previous years and he was also a runner up on every contest he participated. I am referring to a friend of mine, the one who taught me how make money online, the one who gave me my very first website, and the one who told me to participate in the SEOContest2008 in UK. He is no other that MR. PHILIP TIANGSON, the winner of the Philippine SEOContest2008.

A very BIG thanks to you my FRIEND. Good luck to you and more blessings to come.

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